Thursday, March 18, 2010

I was cleaning out my notebook and found this. This is from a year- year and a half ago. It was something I wrote during class.

It is easier not to say anything...

Nobody really wants to hear what you have to say.

Nobody wants to hear me.
Nobody really cares.
Nobody sees that I am dying inside.
Nobody gives a second thought when I flip out about a minor paper cut.
Nobody thinks I'm important.
Nobody wants to hear what I have to say.

So much jumbled up inside.
So much I can't even understand.
So much I need help with.
So much to say but
Nobody wants to hear what I have to say.

I want to speak and be heard.
I want to have value.
I want to have a voice.
I want somebody to hear what I have to say.
Nobody really wants to hear what you have to say!

Monday, March 15, 2010


Do I really only turn to you when times are tough?
Do I never praise and worship you?

Though my actions do not always demonstrate
I do love you, Lord!
I do long for the day that I won't stumble anymore.
I do want your best in my life.
I just don't know how.

Lead me to your Pastures,
Lead me to the Rock that is stronger than I,
Lead me to the Calm in the storm,
Lead me to the Hope that exists beyond all turmoil,
Lead me to the Love that is self-sacrificing,
So that I may rest in your Care,
Cling to your Strength,
Blossom under your Love,
Grow under your Grace,
Cherish your Dreams.