Friday, November 09, 2007

My dorm room

My room at college is about the size of my walk-in closet last year. But it was been fun learning to become creative with the space given.

This is the dorm I live in here at College of the Ozarks. Foster Dorm.My door into my room. It mostly has my stuff on the door. It has one of my favorite verse. Seek the Lord and His shall become the desires of your heart.

I am standing in the door way to try and get a shot. It was hard since there is literally no space to try and get a decent picture.

My bed with the quilt my momma made and Mister teddy.

My desk in a clean fashion. Normally, there is food and homework and some item of clothing on it.

Our chair that touches my desk with my bookshelf.

My roommate studying.
My roommate Kelsey Rusbarsky and myself.

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