Friday, August 29, 2008

The MK

The Military/Missionary Child

I am a child of the military/mission.

My hometown is nowhere, my friends are everywhere.

My home is where my heart and family are,

My roots grow as deep and strong as the might oak.

Travel has taught me to be open, shaking hands with the universe

I find brotherhood and strength in everyone I meet.

Leaving is never easy, yet even in sadness comes the strength and ability to face tomorrow with eagerness and hope.

Friendships are formed in hours and kept for decades I will never grow up with the same friends, yet I will never be alone

Be it inevitable that our paths will part, there is constant hope that we will meet again.

-Author unknown-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We love you Baby Girl. We are very proud of who you are and what you are doing with your life.

GOD Bless you and keep you.

Love Dad and Mom