Saturday, January 16, 2010

Good-Bye, Hello

The word "good-bye" is one of the most depressing words in the English language. It means the end, it's over, no more, gone. It is often said at a parting. Life is so full of good-byes. I have seen more then my fair share. Beloved family members pass on, the inevitable move in which you leave places and people you love, an era in life changes, a friend moves on in their life and you never see them again, your family up roots yet again and you have a new zip code.

Good-bye is an easy way to hang onto the past. If it is never said, then maybe the effects of leaving are not as traumatic. If I never acknowledge the person leaving, then they have never really left. Good-byes are hard. They are constantly happening.

I hate good-byes.
I hate them.
I have no control of them.
They ripe out your heart.
Good-byes hurt.
They kill your sense of security.
Good-byes turn your world upside down.
I hate how you feel as if you know nothing about anything in the world when they happen.
Good-byes happen.

Sometimes I think that is all life is - an ending. One good-bye after another. A ceaseless cycle of heart ache and break. But then there is always a "hello." As often as something ends, something else begins. God never gives you a good-bye without a hello. Even death is not a final good-bye, it is hello to paradise and being present with God.

Hello. As much as your heart is breaking from a good-bye, hello is just as scary as saying good-bye. There is no telling what will happen or who you will meet. "Hello" is the same act of trust as "good-bye" is.

I wish there were no good-byes and no hellos. But without those life would be boring and be the same thing. Life is full of adventure. It is full of lessons. It does not always mean it is easy. There are some hello and good-byes that will always stink and hurt. But God has promised us that "He will never forsake and abandon us. Give us more than we can bare. And give us the grace needed to get through life."

I do not like good-bye or hello. They seem so formal and heart breaking. "Hey" is so nonchalant. There has to be a way to say those that soothe the soul when the events are happening. I guess this is the part where learning to trust God comes into play. If you trust Him for your salvation, why can you not trust Him for your hello and good-byes. He has plans for each one of us. He knows what circumstances we need for His purpose. Maybe all those millions of good-byes were for a purpose. Maybe they have a use other than the heart ache they have always brought.

Where one adventure ends, another always begins.

Good-bye old! Hello new!

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