Friday, March 02, 2007

College Bound!

So yesterday, I got home from work and saw a big white envelope. I noticed that the return address was the one school I applied for next fall. I had to pump myself to open it, I just kept repeating that they don't send rejection letters in packets. Or did they? So i opened the letter and was speechless. Now a day letter I am really excited! But i need to sit down and fill out some paperwork, prepare my Sunday School lesson, figure out what songs my little kids will be singing since our song leader for Sunday School is gone, pay the bills, clean my house and prepare to move. So needless to say yup I am like going into overdrive trying to figure out where to start so I am going to go take a shower. Crazy I know but it is what I need for the moment. But God is amazing in His timing even if I think it should be faster! So needless so to say I am at a cross roads in life! And God will be there for me to lean on no matter what happens!

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