Friday, March 02, 2007

Shasta's Song

Hey Everybody!

This is my update. It was supposed to be my Christmas newsletter but it is now March. So either it is really super late or really super early. So, here is the recap of last year. Last Spring found me looking around for my first apartment and moving into it with roommates. Learning to pay bills and be solely responsible for my finances wound up being a hard experience. I found out many things about myself. Things like I tend to shop to clear my mind or to avoid dealing with life; when I see something on sale I gravitate towards it like bees to honey; I like to eat chocolate or ice cream for dinner after a long day at work, and it is easy to go buy new clothing when all the laundry is dirty. But those were just small things. I found the more I was on my own the more I realized that God was there by my side all the way. He was providing for me in practical ways all the time as I was getting grounded in life as a responsible adult. I even found that responsibilities calm and mature a person.

This summer my father and sister lived with me. It is not exactly the easiest thing to help get a high school graduate adjusted back to America. But I found that through that experience I grew closer to my baby sister as a person. This fall I finished up the last few classes I had at Bible School and became an official graduate of New Tribes Bible Institute in December. I also decided that it would be best to follow God’s leading and apply to College of the Ozarks in Missouri. I was originally trying to go and get a degree in Communications here in snow filled Wisconsin. I figured that it would be best to go do something I was good at, talking! But through some wise words from a dear lady, “Why are you wasting something God has given you and blessed you with!?!” She was referring to teaching. I had thought that question was odd since we were looking at a photo album, but it was something I had already been struggling with in my life. So I took it to the Lord in prayer and well, I decided that I should go get a teaching degree.

Today I received an acceptance letter today from College of the Ozarks. I will be entering this Fall. I am excited yet nervous! The Lord has totally caused me to have to trust Him in every area of life. Currently, I have been filling in for a Sunday School teacher at church and enjoying ever minute of it! Did you know that colorful stars work for giving a visual for leprosy??? I walked out of class with some still on my forehead and arms. It totally helped to add to the adult image. Hehehe But seriously, I have been getting more and more involved in my church and loving every minute of it. In two months I will be moving down to Camdenton, MO and living with a dear friend until school starts in the fall.

Well I should end this letter and head to bed. I gotta get up early to drive the school bus. I have a website that you can see and check up on me. I tend to update it more frequently then I send my newsletters.

Praying Always,



God has allowed me to be stretched and shaped more and more like Him.

I got into school!!!!! Hurray! I am going to go get my teaching degree! (Children of course!)

God always provides in His timing.


That all my up coming decisions in the next 2 months will go well.

I can get my debt paid off so I can start saving for school.

The Lord would provide the required finances for school and the move. He always does so it is amazing to see how it happens!

That He would continue teaching and stretching me.

THANK YOU all so much for your prayers! They are such blessings! Words can never express what they mean to me as I grow and learn.

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